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Pose of the Month // Uttanasana

Writer's picture: Santosha YogaSantosha Yoga

"Ut"--intense "Tan"--to stretch "Asana"--pose

Uttanasana also known as standing forward fold.


Begin in Tadasana or mountain pose with your feet hip distance apart and your hands on your hips. Exhale deeply while you bend forward, hinging at the hips with knees bent slightly. Using both hands, reach to the floor touching palms or fingertips near your feet. Or bend your arms at the elbows and take hold of each elbow with the opposite hand. Deeply inhale in the pose to lift and lengthen your upper body, then exhale to bend and release further. After you hold in the pose for a minute, bring your hands back to your hips, inhale and lift your upper body all the way back up .


Keeping your knees slightly bent will take pressure off the spine.

Keep your hips aligned.

Try to avoid rounding the spine.

Benefits of Standing Forward Bend

It rejuvenates your mind and relaxes the nerves.

It actively stretches your hips, hamstrings, and calves.

It provides strength to your thighs and knees.

Regular practice relieves stiffness of your spine, neck, and back.

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