There is just something quite magical about pouring a cup of your favourite herbal tea, getting cosy with blankets and bolsters, and journalling away while your soak up teachings while on your yoga teaching journal.
If you are feeling drawn to teaching yoga or looking for something to scratch that itch, a training course might just be the best thing you do to awaken your soul. All teachers have a pssion for teaching and sharing their experiances (read that again), but it's true, they have something to share that they benefited from with the intention to help their students. They also still need to be students, they still need to learn and grow. A continuous cycle.

Here are a few of my favorite things I love about YTT's
Meeting your fellow trainees, I've always enjoyed connecting with people, when you spend time together learning, that bond gets deeper and deeper. I'm still close to teachers I've met over 15 years ago.
In the moment feeling, I did a week long training with ashtanga yoga teacher Richard Freeman a few years ago, and it felt like my 'normal' world had disapeared into the shadows, this gave me the headspace and dedication to focus on my practice.
Confidence and Staying Grounded, This was a huge one for me, I'm naturally quite introverted, I'm happy in my own space, but I do love being around my tribe, that first year of teaching and getting out of my comfort zone was that scariest thing I have ever done, but I know now it did my soul so much good, looking back! To this day I still wonder if people enjoyed the class I taught, should I have done more, or less. I think this keeps me grounded and human.
Opportunities, Since teaching and investing with teacher trainings, opportunities have come from all different areas, I've taught at running and cycling events, festivals, with the NHS, HMS Prison service, Turning Point, hundreds of private lessons, and workshops. Looking back it's never felt like work, its be such an experiance.
Knowledge and Up-skilling, Along with opportunities and since leaving my full time job, I've managed to deepen my knowledge with functional anatomy which led me on to completing my Osteopathic degree. All from starting a yoga teacher training course. Quite the journey, I'm excited to see what the next leg of it will be.
We are so lucky to have a such a great variety of training courses here in the UK and especially in the North of England, if you are just starting your journey or looking for some advice, Id recommend doing your research, consider if its an accredited course, the style of course is something you feel drawn to, the faculty teachers and the studio its held at, you'll know when you find it.
Please feel free to drop me a message if you'd like some guidance.